A Abel23855 Platinian Nov 8, 2023 #481 please update version 10261 game now can't be played must update
A Abel23855 Platinian Nov 8, 2023 #482 how much do we pay or buy for you to be able to update on time?
T Toanlatoi2002456 Rookie Nov 26, 2023 #487 Tôi vẫn chưa hiểu tính năng mod tốc độ trò chơi hoạt động như thế nào
SkillreX Awesome Active Platinian Nov 26, 2023 #489 @GNaFF Thank you for the MOD. I've tested it using LDPlayer 9 (fully rooted) and the automatic fishing is working but not with the game speed feature. Also is there an unsigned app version?
@GNaFF Thank you for the MOD. I've tested it using LDPlayer 9 (fully rooted) and the automatic fishing is working but not with the game speed feature. Also is there an unsigned app version?
KyleAustin85 Platinian On Fire Nov 27, 2023 #490 Yea having the same issue here tried on both my Google Nexus 8 & Bluestacks
A Abel23855 Platinian Nov 28, 2023 #491 why can't my application be installed version 10264 from here too
A Abel23855 Platinian Dec 8, 2023 #494 boss please update version 10268 game can't work now thank you