Open Request Five Nights at Freddy's AR



Game Name: Five Nights at Freddy's AR

Google Play Store Link:

APK Link:

Cheat Requested:
  • High drop chance
Have you tried any cheat engines?:
Yes -> GameGuardian and modding it myself

i tired over 20+ times but i failed
but i think the reason is a skill issue

will frist i tried making my own custom client but sadly not sure how do i make one than
i tried hacking fazcoins(the currency) and i tried hacking the drop chance. i will explain the game mechanic

the game is you fighting animatronic that got out of control instead of Delivering packages to you
they trying to kill you. every animatronic has different behavior (this behavior is saved in their CPU)
what makes the game fun is defaeting those animtroic and/or collecting their suits and CPUs.

so it uses Il2Cpp that what makes it hard to hack so im here to see what im doing wrong

i used dnspy and HxD and the arm is arm64-v8a

the offset of the drop chance

there is alot of the things i tried but this is just one of them.
here i tried to replace "get" with
100.0 arm code:
mov X0, 4059000000000000h
200BE8D2 C0035FD6

i am not sure if that is right i used
to convert 100.0 to net than to arm
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Hello, I'm sorry to reply so late and I only knew how to do that to win easier and I don't know if you could tell me what you do with game guardian to find other tricks with game guardian and I don't know what to do very big streaks with the help of game guardian will do some good (bad English) Together maybe we can find more things

Hello, I'm sorry to reply so late and I only knew how to do that to win easier and I don't know if you could tell me what you do with game guardian to find other tricks with game guardian and I don't know what to do very big streaks with the help of game guardian will do some good (bad English) Together maybe we can find more things

Thanks for the reply, while this thread was online I was working really hard and I found files that cantina the json code and I successfully decompiled the game but none of those were helpful as I'm at the moment trying to create a custom server by any means, +it should share able

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