V Vampireking77 Platinian Sunday at 5:23 AM #1,303 Paenitimini said: The google play log in keeps on popping up. Impossible to play as it keeps coming up. :( Click to expand... Cant connect to pvp if i turnoff google play service
Paenitimini said: The google play log in keeps on popping up. Impossible to play as it keeps coming up. :( Click to expand... Cant connect to pvp if i turnoff google play service
V vaizardjin10 Solid & Active Platinian Sunday at 5:49 AM #1,304 This has been asked multiple times and been resolved already. Read old post and utilize search bar.
V Vampireking77 Platinian Monday at 12:12 PM #1,308 Got banned asa win 2 pvp matchs :D but the mod is very nice and smooth.
J j4rf0_99 Platinian Monday at 10:19 PM #1,314 Why does Google Play login always appear while playing?
J j4rf0_99 Platinian Tuesday at 10:46 PM #1,317 Why does Google Play Games always appear when I play? Can you do something about it?