Open Request Fury Survivor: Pixel Z


Just Crazy

Game Name: Fury Survivor: Pixel Z

Google Play Store Link:

APK Link:

Cheat Requested:
  • Anything possible
Have you tried any cheat engines?:
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Upvote 1
Wait, the modders work with this game until there is no success, the developers have very well protected the game, most of the actions on the server side (((!
Assembly-CSharp.dll and Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll are protected(dos header does not contain MZ signature). Each try to attach process(memory editors/debuggers) game crashes(
Hmm... you told server-side? It's an opportunity...
ps Developer has spent many times more time to protect the game than the game. It must be punishable.
Upd Probably protected with ijiami
Upd2 Chinese decryption article: zhuanlan.zhihu___com/p/36421693
Please share the decrypted files if you succeed (at least in private conversation).
In a file, i founded, hp, lvl pet, coin money, And this one (gold money), but for each one, the value is crypted, and idk how to decrypte this sh*t....:
<string name="gold_money">key309680Avalx596191Fvaly599123%1C</string>

Do somebody know how to decrypte the "key309680Avalx596191Fvaly599123%1C"? Thanks.
[*] Fury+Survivor+Pixel+Z_v1.051.apk
|-> packer : Ijiami
[*] Fury+Survivor+Pixel+Z_v1.051.apk!lib/armeabi-v7a/
|-> packer : UPX (unknown, modified)
[*] Fury+Survivor+Pixel+Z_v1.051.apk!lib/armeabi-v7a/
|-> packer : UPX (unknown, modified)
[*] Fury+Survivor+Pixel+Z_v1.051.apk!lib/armeabi-v7a/
|-> packer : UPX (unknown, modified)
[*] Fury+Survivor+Pixel+Z_v1.051.apk!assets/ijm_lib/armeabi/
|-> packer : UPX (unknown, modified)
[*] Fury+Survivor+Pixel+Z_v1.051.apk!classes.dex
|-> compiler : dexlib 1.x
In a file, i founded, hp, lvl pet, coin money, And this one (gold money), but for each one, the value is crypted, and idk how to decrypte this sh*t....:
<string name="gold_money">key309680Avalx596191Fvaly599123%1C</string>

Do somebody know how to decrypte the "key309680Avalx596191Fvaly599123%1C"? Thanks.
I am pretty sure that the numbers are encrypted using the unique identifiers of your device and some kind of timestamp. Therefore, I believe that it does not make sense to write / change these values.
The game collects a huge amount of confidential information. Since the functionality is encrypted, no one knows what exactly is encrypted there ... Given the huge amount of effort spent on protection - I would not be surprised at the presence of a certain protective functionality of the active type.
I advise you once again not to break the game with real devices that you use in everyday life.
I hope for the best, but the developer is rude refers to the resources of user devices. Everything looks legal, but very ugly from a moral point of view.
This is one of the reasons to crack this game to the maximum possible state. I'm not sure that I will succeed, but I will prepare the initial stage as much as possible.
I am pretty sure that the numbers are encrypted using the unique identifiers of your device and some kind of timestamp. Therefore, I believe that it does not make sense to write / change these values.
The game collects a huge amount of confidential information. Since the functionality is encrypted, no one knows what exactly is encrypted there ... Given the huge amount of effort spent on protection - I would not be surprised at the presence of a certain protective functionality of the active type.
I advise you once again not to break the game with real devices that you use in everyday life.
I hope for the best, but the developer is rude refers to the resources of user devices. Everything looks legal, but very ugly from a moral point of view.
This is one of the reasons to crack this game to the maximum possible state. I'm not sure that I will succeed, but I will prepare the initial stage as much as possible.
I completely agree with what you said, i found lot of files that collects data that does not need to be collected. I'm Ok too with you for the developper. He look Nice but the files tell me the opposite. So we really need a crack of this game. But i'm not good as you in this domain, i only have basic competences in apk mod and when i see the protection of the game, i can't do something.
theres a working cheat for this game and they have successfully modded/cheated it for jailbroken apple devices only.. so apple is more hackable?

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