Open Request Genshin Impact



Game Name: Genshin Impact

Google Play Store Link: Genshin Impact - Apps on Google Play

APK Link: Genshin Impact for Android - APK Download

Cheat Requested: Damage Hack, Speed Hack, anything possible

Have you tried any cheat engines?:
No -> Why? My phone is not rooted
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To those that tried to make a "threat" nice try. The mods are all client sided. It goes under their radar. Dont try to act smart by saying you know someone or you "enquired". You can snitch all you want. But client sided memory will always remain client sided. They have their hands full atm. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY no way to find EVERY single player that used a mod. SO nice try "solo_leveling". They can patch it all they want, but the game is build and published and thats the end of story, they cant revert any part of their memory.
OK I worked a bit on this. Disassembling shows that android version is pretty well obfuscated and the usual Il2CppDumper is not enough.
I even tried on PC. If you manage to unpack upx, it's also vm protected. Every single string is encrypted (or is it because it's Chinese?), even the imports are not clear strings. They even took the time to pointer reference all api calls with getprocaddress, just to avoid linkage on import table.
These guys know what they do, they really seem to use cheat makers techniques to protect their game.
If any modder wants to try something, I've seen someone suggest rooted android phone with Magisk, Riru core and Riru-Il2CppDumper to get a dump.cs file with all the classes, structs, enums,...
Way beyond my level on phone gamehacking

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