I play this game a lot, and I'm often blocked, I used a lot of different people's edits, and then I learned how to make sure you don't block, I've read all your notes to avoid the block, and I've done that, and I've stepped in your steps in the notes. But when I went up to Level 9, I started to notice that there was a nonsaving message, that there was an error in saving my progress. But for me, progress is being saved. All my tasks are being saved, but almost none are being saved in the cloud. I knew that something was going to happen. I just opened the closed boxes in my bag, and I didn't open the boxes in the closet, and then I played some tasks. Then I activated the Getting Diamonds column and took about a thousand diamonds, but I didn't use them. I didn't open a lot of gear boxes. Only two boxes, and I only took one piece of gear from each box. Throughout this period, only 10 mod attack and defense and no skill delay mod were used. What made them find out so quickly? Can you use better software to avoid the ban? المختلفة