Playing for a hour or two and can say that the damage and defense does not work for me. I can see that it will raise the enemy attack and raise the enemy defense but this just changes the numbers as the same amount if damage happens either way like if they hit me for 10 damage and I raise the damage to say 3 times damage my damage stays the same and theirs will start doing 30 damage at x3 damage but it will still only remove 10 hp from me. This works the same as def for enemy like I'll hit them for 2 dmg and it still takes off my normal 38 dmg from them.
Now the increased game speed is still amazing since this games gets old quick and you can tell right away that its pay to win for sure. The no cool downs makes this mod playable as you can spam your spells or attacks and take enemy's down fast ish since its normal difficult and it goes up in hardness like 4 times. So if you dont get more damage fast you probably wont progress at all even with no CoolDowns.
Please Fix!