PMT FREE MOD Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Ver. 6.1.0 MOD Menu APK | No Energy, Gem & Coin Costs, Unlock Shop |

not necessarily lol

that's only if someone in your group reports players for cheating.

And I know that if you get several batch of 1600 points to fast into the event then they most certainly are cheating. Normally its not impossible to get 2000 points until the end of the event, and with a bit of luck even a bit more.

If you are really passionate to use your full time to get event points (and use/buy some good amount of gems), you might get 3000+ easily without cheating but that's not the norm.

I luckily survived several times where top places (not me included) got like between 2500 to 4000 points in the end lol

so if you cheat stay quiet and be below 2000 points at the end of the event (when they automatically calculate the points). you can still be banned anyway (even if you get zero points) if a cheating report comes, but the blame will go to the top places being reckless and don't know how to stop showing off when or if they cheat....
All of this is incorrect. If even one person gets reported in your FM group, everyone in the group gets investigated equally. They don't just check for how many points you've accrued, they check for all discrepancies on your account. Even if they don't ban you right away, it could happen a few days later. It's not worth the risk to play during multiplayer events. You have what we call "survivorship bias", and we'd really like it if you didn't spread that to other people. Just because you got lucky doesn't mean they will. And sooner or later, that luck runs out.

So how does the mod interact with Bluestack now? Can I start playing legit, back up the save with facebook, start modding and then retrieve the save on bluestack without losing progress?
Yes, that's what we've always recommended people to do. Back up your save with Facebook before you start modding, otherwise you might not be able to retrieve your save when you start using the modded client.
All of this is incorrect. If even one person gets reported in your FM group, everyone in the group gets investigated equally. They don't just check for how many points you've accrued, they check for all discrepancies on your account. Even if they don't ban you right away, it could happen a few days later. It's not worth the risk to play during multiplayer events.

yes, that's it. you just confirmed what a said with less words and better english :)
pas forcément mdr

c'est seulement si quelqu'un dans votre groupe signale des joueurs pour triche.

Et je sais que si vous obtenez plusieurs lots de 1600 points pour participer rapidement à l'événement, alors ils trichent très certainement. Normalement, il n'est pas impossible d'obtenir 2000 points jusqu'à la fin de l'événement, et avec un peu de chance, même un peu plus.

Si vous êtes vraiment passionné par l'utilisation de votre temps plein pour obtenir des points d'événement (et utiliser/acheter une bonne quantité de gemmes), vous pourriez en obtenir plus de 3000 facilement sans tricher, mais ce n'est pas la norme.

Heureusement, j'ai survécu à plusieurs fois où les premières places (moi non compris) obtenaient entre 2 500 et 4 000 points à la fin mdr

donc si vous trichez, restez silencieux et soyez en dessous de 2000 points à la fin de l'événement (quand ils calculent automatiquement les points). vous pouvez toujours être banni de toute façon (même si vous n'obtenez aucun point) si un rapport de triche arrive, mais la faute reviendra aux hauts responsables qui sont imprudents et ne savent pas comment arrêter de se montrer quand ou s'ils trichent....

.i saw normal games with 7 000 points in FM
All of this is incorrect. If even one person gets reported in your FM group, everyone in the group gets investigated equally. They don't just check for how many points you've accrued, they check for all discrepancies on your account. Even if they don't ban you right away, it could happen a few days later. It's not worth the risk to play during multiplayer events. You have what we call "survivorship bias", and we'd really like it if you didn't spread that to other people. Just because you got lucky doesn't mean they will. And sooner or later, that luck runs out.

Yes, that's what we've always recommended people to do. Back up your save with Facebook before you start modding, otherwise you might not be able to retrieve your save when you start using the modded client.
Why does this have to be explained over and over again, I wonder?
Thank you for the mod, it's been very helpful. I am new with using mods, so I have some question please: has anyone been having problem with lack of events? A few did show up, but very few, if compared when I played without mods. Also, forgive my lack of knowledge, how updates work with those mods? Can I update normally, or I have to wait for updates from here? Also, there are any plants to mod pages, making them infinite too? Thank you for any help.
Thank you for the mod, it's been very helpful. I am new with using mods, so I have some question please: has anyone been having problem with lack of events? A few did show up, but very few, if compared when I played without mods. Also, forgive my lack of knowledge, how updates work with those mods? Can I update normally, or I have to wait for updates from here? Also, there are any plants to mod pages, making them infinite too? Thank you for any help.
At the first and second year if i'm not misatken, by my experience they didn't show up that often, it's gonna be appear more often on third and fourth year
Thank you for the mod, it's been very helpful. I am new with using mods, so I have some question please: has anyone been having problem with lack of events? A few did show up, but very few, if compared when I played without mods. Also, forgive my lack of knowledge, how updates work with those mods? Can I update normally, or I have to wait for updates from here? Also, there are any plants to mod pages, making them infinite too? Thank you for any help.
You're thinking of TLSQs. There's an entire spreadsheet that contains all of the chapters that trigger them. There's generally a 24-hour cooldown when you finish a TLSQ (this cooldown is ignored for holiday TLSQs and event TLSQs), but BrianPo has a guide on how to use Game Guardian to edit the counter down to something like 10 seconds. Most TLSQs are shoved into the game between Y3 and Y5. You won't see that many as early into the game as you are.

There are also a few TLSQs related to the Quidditch questline if you're interested in that, but bear in mind that they're the lowest-priority TLSQs in the game. If you have a Quidditch TLSQ pending (and you'll know because the Quidditch menu will say something like "more content coming soon, play Quidditch friendlies to keep your skills sharp"), you have to stop and finish all of your pending TLSQs before you can play the Quidditch one. Unlike other TLSQs, Quidditch TLSQs cannot be retried if you fail. If you mess up, you'll just have to continue the Quidditch questline without whatever you would've gotten from the TLSQ.

As for updates, downloading a pending update from the Google Play Store won't override the mod. If a new update is released, G-bo generally has the mod updated within a week and you can go back to Page 1 to download it. Just grab the .apk file, run it on your Android device, and click "Update" if it prompts you to update/overwrite the app.
Hopefully you are safe. 165 is fine for at the start (I'd be concerned if they were in the thousands at that point), but the real danger is the length of the full marks as it will last for 6 days which is a lot of time for something to go wrong.
Yeah, I'm really worried about this part the most, because i can't predict how much point will the first place got at the end of this event
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