PMT FREE MOD Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Ver. 6.4.0 MOD Menu APK | No Energy, Gem & Coin Costs, Unlock Shop |

Like a compulsive idiot I entered the game before FM ended because for some reason I thought the event had already ended, I've been a little disoriented this week and I didn't calculate the times well, in case I get banned this will be the last time what a game
Maybe it's a bit rushed and maybe exaggerated, but I still want to say that it was a pleasure to have experienced this game (minus the 3 months of MP events) and this community, I will always have them in my mind🙏.
How much time did you stay in the game?
How much time did you stay in the game?
mmh I don't know exactly but I think it was about 10 minutes, with 15 minutes left to finish the FM.
That's why I said I exaggerated when I said that, but the fact of making points on FM already got me into the group and I don't know if maybe someone has reported an account in that group before, if so they may review my account too.
I usually didnt touch the points part as if event didnt exists most of time on alt but again thats also probably my luck that it not banned yet.
I usually didnt touch the points part as if event didnt exists most of time on alt but again thats also probably my luck that it not banned yet.
I didn't touch the points part either, but when I looked at events the FM was still active and I was already in group positions, it was literally like this: oh shit ☠️
I didn't touch the points part either, but when I looked at events the FM was still active and I was already in group positions, it was literally like this: oh shit ☠️
Honestly i first check which events are active when i enter by default(to me its automatic to do that especially now that its token time) so i would say you should have checked events first everything else later.
If I buy 12 boxes of tokens from Brilliant Bargains, will I get banned? I waited until Full Marks ended to log in, so this is one of the few ways I can get tokens...
If I buy 12 boxes of tokens from Brilliant Bargains, will I get banned? I waited until Full Marks ended to log in, so this is one of the few ways I can get tokens...
As far as we're aware, there aren't any flags related to purchasing items with the coins/gem hacks. The only one that might trigger a warning is if you have more than 600 energy - and even then, that just increases the odds that you'll get sorted into groups with other suspected cheaters during Full Marks or House Pride. If you don't play during those events, like we keep reminding everyone, you'll be safe.
As far as we're aware, there aren't any flags related to purchasing items with the coins/gem hacks. The only one that might trigger a warning is if you have more than 600 energy - and even then, that just increases the odds that you'll get sorted into groups with other suspected cheaters during Full Marks or House Pride. If you don't play during those events, like we keep reminding everyone, you'll be safe.
Thank you for your prompt and patient reply!!
If I buy 12 boxes of tokens from Brilliant Bargains, will I get banned? I waited until Full Marks ended to log in, so this is one of the few ways I can get tokens...
I literally just did that first after entering the game and never go banned by that so its more of getting sorted during FM or HP and be in group where someone reported that will give you chance of ban more likely than this(or contacting support).
Honestly i first check which events are active when i enter by default(to me its automatic to do that especially now that its token time) so i would say you should have checked events first everything else later.
It was just a mistake in my calculations that I had since I said there were still 15 minutes left until the event ended and I went in thinking it was already over lol, I'll be more careful next time.
As far as we're aware, there aren't any flags related to purchasing items with the coins/gem hacks. The only one that might trigger a warning is if you have more than 600 energy - and even then, that just increases the odds that you'll get sorted into groups with other suspected cheaters during Full Marks or House Pride. If you don't play during those events, like we keep reminding everyone, you'll be safe.
Since when has this energy warning existed? I read a few months ago warning about this, but they never made it a priority to warn about it until now that I see it more often, also, if a person who spends real money and gets energized beyond that limit, is it also marked? or how would that work?
Since when has this energy warning existed? I read a few months ago warning about this, but they never made it a priority to warn about it until now that I see it more often, also, if a person who spends real money and gets energized beyond that limit, is it also marked? or how would that work?
It's been around for ages. Yes, it flags vanilla players too, but they don't have anything to be afraid of during MP events. Even if they get sorted into a group with cheaters. Doesn't affect them at all because they're not the ones at risk of getting banned. We are.
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