Tutorial Hex Codes for ARM64 modding | True | False | NOP | High Value |

What is the hex code for force int or freeze int in arm64?
ret, example ?

that's already explain and do it by yourself
is there a simple way to convert arm7 hex to arm64 hex ? example if modding a game which have both arm7 and arm64 .. for arm7 already modded .. if i want modded the arm64 of same game is it posible to convert the arm7 hex to use in arm64 ?
hmm suggest you more pratice, try that already explain by g-bo
I have dump.cs from 32bit Unity game
public static int[] GetBlablabla() { }

how i can patch int[] with hex?

i try with 07 00 A0 E3 1E FF 2F E1 // INT 7
but game crashed/Freeze
I have dump.cs from 32bit Unity game
public static int[] GetBlablabla() { }

how i can patch int[] with hex?

i try with 07 00 A0 E3 1E FF 2F E1 // INT 7
but game crashed/Freeze
yes game crash ,i recommended just find data type like this :

if have "return 0;" like that, you can patch it.
Tell me the value of float in ARM64.
Normally in ARMv7 the syntax for the value of 2000 float is:
movw r0, #0x44fa
bx lr

So what is the 2000 float value in ARM64?
Negative arm64 hex codes?

Hello, i am looking for away to create negative arm64 integer numbers but i can´t seem to find any.
What would the assembly code for a negative integer and a negative float number be?
Thank you very much for the help, in advance!
it works i hack infection, but do you know how to make your hack into .deb so i can upload it and share it here?
Thanks, but i will wait until he makes a video on how to do it
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