Yes, it's the correct function, I tested it with a libtool tool, well I'll test it and let you know, thank you very muchor are you sure this is correct function
Well, it didn't work, nothing has changed, maybe it needs an update?void (*old_set_HardMoney)(void *instance, long value);
void set_HardMoney(void *instance, long value) {
if (instance != NULL) {
if (Isset_HardMoney) {
old_set_HardMoney(instance, 99999);
return old_set_HardMoney(instance, value);
ok I will try, thank you very muchtry hexpatch first , see result. if still nothing happen then u need find another method again
bool hardmoney = false;
int (*old_get_HardMoney) (void *instance);
int get_HardMoney(void *instance) {
if (instance != NULL && hardmoney) {
return 999999999;
return old_get_HardMoney(instance);
Thank you I'll tryTry this
bool isUnlimitedMoney = false;
void (*setMoney)(void *instanceint, long value);
void(*_UpdateC)(void *instance);
void UpdateC(void *instance){
if(instance != NULL){
if (isUnlimitedMoney) {
setMoney(instance, 999999999);
setMoney = (void (*)(void *, long))getAbsoluteAddress(targetLibName, 0x12345); // public void setMoney(long value) { }
HOOK_LIB("", "0x12345", UpdateC, _UpdateC); // public void Update() { }
case 0:
isUnlimitedMoney = boolean;
Thanks for the help, I'll test itUsed
Public long get_HardMoney()
Code:bool hardmoney = false; int (*old_get_HardMoney) (void *instance); int get_HardMoney(void *instance) { if (instance != NULL && hardmoney) { return 999999999; } return old_get_HardMoney(instance); }