Help! how to make "; noads" in ida for Unity apps


Original poster
Jan 9, 2022

What is this "EORSEQ R0, R8, R0, LSL R11" ? And how does this line make it so that "; NoAds" starts to be defined? People !!!! Can anyone please explain how this works? and how can I learn to make such functions myself, where there are forwardings, let's say "; NoAds", since you can insert it at the beginning of the code of another application and make different activations, no matter what. But how does this pancake work? ? ? For example, here is a screenshot of a person who was able to do this:

Here he found LDRSHTEQ somewhere, for example, when I copied everything like on the screen of this person, and inserted "EORSEQ R0, R8, R0, LSL R11" from the screen above, there was no redirect to "; NoAds", who knows tell me How does it work and what do I need to do. I will be very glad for your help ;) ;) ;)



PMT Elite Modder
Staff member
Sep 9, 2018
Minkowski Space
You need to learn ARM assembly to understand what the instructions mean. I'll only directly answer your 1st question:
EORSEQ R0, R8, R0, LSL R11 means: if the values in r8 and r0 are equal, xor the value in r8 with the value of applying bitwise left shift (<<) to the value in r0, store the result value in r0, and set conditional flag as true. If the values in r8 and r0 are not equal, set the conditional flag as false.

In order to mod, you need to understand what these instructions do and figure out ways to rewrite the code in order to achieve mod features without severely breaking the game. To ahieve features, you need to analyze what is going on and try out possible changes you implement.