Help! How to mod an Android App

L00k Alive

2/3 Games Approved

I was searching for a guide (or guidance) on how to mod an android app for premium.
I know how to do it for games, but android apps are different. No dlls, no (no lib folder at all btw), no nothing.

Let me explain precisely what I try to do: I want to enable the premium features of my habit app without paying for the yearly subscription. The features include unlimited habits, create 1 time tasks, be able to do challenges, ...
In the il2ccp games, there was this magical bool called "Get_IsPremuim", so I just modded it to return it true and I got the premium features.
This app is a kotlin app, with files in assests folder and smali folder. I want to know if there is this magic line in apps too, if so how to find it, and how to enable it.

All input are valuable.
Thx in advance for your help!

P.S.: I'll modify the OP to keep track of my progress on the matter
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I thought those were only for unity games, I've never heard of unity for an app, thanks for teaching me that !
What file should I open in IDA Pro then (there are only smali and assests)
It depends on the app, maybe you need to modify the .so file, maybe it is a smali based app, could be everything.
It depends on the app, maybe you need to modify the .so file, maybe it is a smali based app, could be everything.
Alright, I think that's a smali app (since it doesn't have a lib folder or dlls).
How am I supposed to mod the smali file to get what I want (I updated the OP)?
I already dived into this but didn't find much, do you have any experience with it ?
Start to learn smali code, so, try to learn modding small apps, today on YouTube have some videos teaching how to smali edit edit specific apps, so you can learn by this way and walking with your own feet after a time
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