Help! How to mod Avatar Life?


how to get unlimited gold, energy, silver and delete function go moving to my apartment if I was kicked out of someone else's apartment
help plz
Learn how modding works, and see what could be edited by yourself.
Learn how modding works, and see what could be edited by yourself.

This game on the cocos2d engine does not have any dll only .so files and it is possible that this game can even be hacked. So I'm waiting for an answer
yes, but I do not understand it so I ask for help
Man, you have to learn by yourself.
If you don't know how to open cocos2dcpp on IDA and start looking for strings or functions, then you should if you want to be helped.
In one of the tutorials, it explains which case needs IDA (all games), and how to mod using IDA.

Nobody's going to work for you for free.
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