Help! How to mod without dll files


Solid & Active Platinian
Feb 8, 2020
(Since 7DS:GC was talked about.....)
When you find an old sub-reddit thread dedicated to talking about your foolishness on the game in the middle of 2020, it makes ya feel all giddy inside don't it? lol

Proof it's my account:



Jun 7, 2022
Hi! So if I dont have dll files and I noticed that it has smali files. What Software or applications should I use to mod the game?


Solid & Active Platinian
Sep 24, 2018
Costa Rica
Try checking if it has a .OBB file either in the Android/obb/ directory or in the assets folder of the APK itself, otherwise decompile the classes.dex to Java or Smali and check for anything that can indicate it's a Java game ( Sometimes Kotlin too )

For Java or Kotlin just navigate to the game's directory which would be the package name, you can see the package name with something like MT Manager, just click the APK and it will show details about it, you'll see the package name which usually is

Com is when it uses the internet ( will be useful if you ever come across issues with a game )

If it's a Java game, then do your modifications first in Java, then compile to classes.dex and decompile to Smali to get the smali, and then copy paste your modified smali parts ( Best way I've found so far but gotta be extremely careful )

For Kotlin I'm not sure if it's like Java or a different way.

For .obb, just rename the .obb to something like .zip, then extract it and do your changes, finally compress it and rename it to .obb


Solid & Active Platinian
Sep 24, 2018
Costa Rica
Hi! So if I dont have dll files and I noticed that it has smali files. What Software or applications should I use to mod the game?
A text editor can do the job for editing the smali, then recompile it to a .dex again.

I recommend to use something like JADX to see the Java code of it first, then do your changes in smali.

This is so you get a better understanding of how the game works before doing your changes.


Oct 9, 2023
I'm new here ad I'm want to make a new Hogwarts Mystery Mod but I don't know where to find the XXX file for Hogwarts Mystery nothing giving me a clue about where the file is.


Jun 5, 2018
Need help to learn modding for first time after search in ida from loaded android binary, any one can help me how to hook or implement this code to some hook template this code:

.text:02531B50 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.text:02531B50 ; int __fastcall ExpansionRewardOptionWindow::onDiamondsButtonClicked(ExpansionRewardOptionWindow *this, BaseButton *)
.text:02531B50 EXPORT _ZN27ExpansionRewardOptionWindow23onDiamondsButtonClickedEP10BaseButton
.text:02531B50 _ZN27ExpansionRewardOptionWindow23onDiamondsButtonClickedEP10BaseButton ; DATA XREF: LOAD:00069130↑o
.text:02531B50 ; ExpansionRewardOptionWindow::onPostCCBILoadSetup(void)+5F4↑o ...
.text:02531B50 ; __unwind {
.text:02531B50 000 MOV R1, R0 ; Rd = Op2
.text:02531B54 000 LDR R0, [R0,#0x348] ; Load from Memory
.text:02531B58 000 CMP R0, #0 ; Set cond. codes on Op1 - Op2
.text:02531B5C 000 BXEQ LR ; Branch to/from Thumb mode
.text:02531B60 000 ADD R0, R1, #0x338 ; Rd = Op1 + Op2
.text:02531B64 000 B j__ZNKSt6__ndk18functionIFvP27ExpansionRewardOptionWindowEEclES2_ ; std::function<void ()(ExpansionRewardOptionWindow *)>::operator()(ExpansionRewardOptionWindow *)
.text:02531B64 ; End of function ExpansionRewardOptionWindow::onDiamondsButtonClicked(BaseButton *)

LOAD:0098B928 aZn27expansionr DCB "_ZN27ExpansionRewardOptionWindow18setDescriptionTextERKNSt6__ndk" ; DATA XREF: LOAD:00286550↑o
LOAD:0098B928 DCB "112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEE",0
LOAD:0098B9A3 aZn27expansionr_0 DCB "_ZN27ExpansionRewardOptionWindow19onPostCCBILoadSetupEv",0 ; DATA XREF: LOAD:002E62A0↑o
LOAD:0098B9DB aZn27expansionr_1 DCB "_ZN27ExpansionRewardOptionWindow20onCoinsButtonClickedEP10BaseBu" ; DATA XREF: LOAD:003306D0↑o
LOAD:0098B9DB DCB "tton",0
LOAD:0098BA20 aZn27expansionr_2 DCB "_ZN27ExpansionRewardOptionWindow21assignMemberVariablesER17CCBVa" ; DATA XREF: LOAD:000E36E0↑o
LOAD:0098BA20 DCB "riableAssign",0
LOAD:0098BA6D aZn27expansionr_3 DCB "_ZN27ExpansionRewardOptionWindow23onDiamondsButtonClickedEP10Bas" ; DATA XREF: LOAD:00069130↑o
LOAD:0098BA6D DCB "eButton",0
LOAD:0098BAB5 aZn27expansionr_4 DCB "_ZN27ExpansionRewardOptionWindow23setCoinButtonPropertiesENSt6__" ; DATA XREF: LOAD:00206220↑o
LOAD:0098BAB5 DCB "ndk18functionIFvPS_EEExbRKNS0_12basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsI"
LOAD:0098BAB5 DCB "cEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEE",0
LOAD:0098BB4D aZn27expansionr_5 DCB "_ZN27ExpansionRewardOptionWindow26setDiamondButtonPropertiesENSt" ; DATA XREF: LOAD:001E8690↑o
LOAD:0098BB4D DCB "6__ndk18functionIFvPS_EEExb",0
LOAD:0098BBA9 aZn27expansionr_6 DCB "_ZN27ExpansionRewardOptionWindowC1Ev",0 ; DATA XREF: LOAD:000B9420↑o
LOAD:0098BBCE aZn27expansionr_7 DCB "_ZN27ExpansionRewardOptionWindowC2Ev",0 ; DATA XREF: LOAD:000C04A0↑o
LOAD:0098BBF3 aZn27expansionr_8 DCB "_ZN27ExpansionRewardOptionWindowD0Ev",0 ; DATA XREF: LOAD:00196260↑o
LOAD:0098BC18 aZn27expansionr_9 DCB "_ZN27ExpansionRewardOptionWindowD1Ev",0 ; DATA XREF: LOAD:0019D020↑o
LOAD:0098BC3D aZn27expansionr_10 DCB "_ZN27ExpansionRewardOptionWindowD2Ev",0 ; DATA XREF: LOAD:001A3D80↑o
LOAD:00069130 DCD aZn27expansionr_3 - byte_33ED10; st_name ; "_ZN27ExpansionRewardOptionWindow23onDiamondsButtonClickedEP10Bas"... ...
LOAD:00069130 DCD _ZN27ExpansionRewardOptionWindow23onDiamondsButtonClickedEP10BaseButton; st_value
LOAD:00069130 DCD 0x18 ; st_size
LOAD:00069130 DCB 0x12 ; st_info
LOAD:00069130 DCB 0 ; st_other
LOAD:00069130 DCW 0xD ; st_shndx
.plt:01E87A38 ; _DWORD __fastcall UnlockSectorMode::init(UnlockSectorMode *__hidden this, CityEntitiesView *, AbstractEntitiesModeController *, BaseCityController *)
.plt:01E87A38 j__ZN16UnlockSectorMode4initEP16CityEntitiesViewP30AbstractEntitiesModeControllerP18BaseCityController
.plt:01E87A38 000 ADRL R12, 0x3D6CA40
.plt:01E87A40 000 LDR PC, [R12,#(_ZN16UnlockSectorMode4initEP16CityEntitiesViewP30AbstractEntitiesModeControllerP18BaseCityController_ptr - 0x3D6CA40)]! ; UnlockSectorMode::init(CityEntitiesView *,AbstractEntitiesModeController *,BaseCityController *)
.plt:01E87A40 ; End of function UnlockSectorMode::init(CityEntitiesView *,AbstractEntitiesModeController *,BaseCityController *)
.plt:01E87A44 ; [0000000C BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION UnlockSectorMode::exitMode(void). PRESS CTRL-NUMPAD+ TO EXPAND]
.plt:01E87A50 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.plt:01E87A50 ; Attributes: thunk
.plt:01E87A50 ; _DWORD UnlockSectorMode::enterMode(UnlockSectorMode *__hidden this)
.plt:01E87A50 j__ZN16UnlockSectorMode9enterModeEv
.plt:01E87A50 000 ADRL R12, 0x3D6CA58
.plt:01E87A58 000 LDR PC, [R12,#(_ZN16UnlockSectorMode9enterModeEv_ptr - 0x3D6CA58)]! ; UnlockSectorMode::enterMode(void)
.plt:01E87A58 ; End of function UnlockSectorMode::enterMode(void)
.plt:01E87A5C ; [0000000C BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION UnlockSectorMode::getModeId(void). PRESS CTRL-NUMPAD+ TO EXPAND]
.plt:01E87A68 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.plt:01E87A68 ; Attributes: thunk
.plt:01E87A68 ; _DWORD UnlockSectorMode::onBuildingPlacementConfirmed(UnlockSectorMode *__hidden this)
.plt:01E87A68 j__ZN16UnlockSectorMode28onBuildingPlacementConfirmedEv
.plt:01E87A68 000 ADRL R12, 0x3D6CA70
.plt:01E87A70 000 LDR PC, [R12,#(_ZN16UnlockSectorMode28onBuildingPlacementConfirmedEv_ptr - 0x3D6CA70)]! ; UnlockSectorMode::onBuildingPlacementConfirmed(void)
.plt:01E87A70 ; End of function UnlockSectorMode::onBuildingPlacementConfirmed(void)
.plt:01E89B50 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.plt:01E89B50 ; Attributes: thunk
.plt:01E89B50 ; NotificationEvent<ExpansionUnlockedEvent>::notify(Listener *)const
.plt:01E89B50 j__ZNK17NotificationEventI22ExpansionUnlockedEventE6notifyEP8Listener
.plt:01E89B50 000 ADRL R12, 0x3D6CB58
.plt:01E89B58 000 LDR PC, [R12,#(_ZNK17NotificationEventI22ExpansionUnlockedEventE6notifyEP8Listener_ptr - 0x3D6CB58)]! ; NotificationEvent<ExpansionUnlockedEvent>::notify(Listener *)
.plt:01E89B58 ; End of function NotificationEvent<ExpansionUnlockedEvent>::notify(Listener *)
.plt:01E89B5C ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.plt:01E89B5C ; Attributes: thunk
.plt:01E89B5C ; NotificationEvent<ExpansionUnlockedEvent>::~NotificationEvent()
.plt:01E89B5C j__ZN17NotificationEventI22ExpansionUnlockedEventED2Ev
.plt:01E89B5C 000 ADRL R12, 0x3D6CB64
.plt:01E89B64 000 LDR PC, [R12,#(_ZN17NotificationEventI22ExpansionUnlockedEventED2Ev_ptr - 0x3D6CB64)]! ; NotificationEvent<ExpansionUnlockedEvent>::~NotificationEvent()
.plt:01E89B64 ; End of function NotificationEvent<ExpansionUnlockedEvent>::~NotificationEvent()
.plt:01E89B68 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.plt:01E89B68 ; Attributes: thunk
.plt:01E89B68 ; void __fastcall ExpansionUnlockedEvent::~ExpansionUnlockedEvent(ExpansionUnlockedEvent *__hidden this)
.plt:01E89B68 j__ZN22ExpansionUnlockedEventD0Ev
.plt:01E89B68 000 ADRL R12, 0x3D6CB70
.plt:01E89B70 000 LDR PC, [R12,#(_ZN22ExpansionUnlockedEventD0Ev_ptr - 0x3D6CB70)]! ; ExpansionUnlockedEvent::~ExpansionUnlockedEvent()
.plt:01E89B70 ; End of function ExpansionUnlockedEvent::~ExpansionUnlockedEvent()
.plt:01DDF228 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.plt:01DDF228 ; Attributes: thunk
.plt:01DDF228 ; ExpansionRewardOptionWindow *ExpansionRewardOptionWindow::ExpansionRewardOptionWindow(ExpansionRewardOptionWindow *__hidden this)
.plt:01DDF228 j__ZN27ExpansionRewardOptionWindowC2Ev ; CODE XREF: CreateUINode<ExpansionRewardOptionWindow>(void)+14↓p
.plt:01DDF228 000 ADRL R12, 0x3D34230
.plt:01DDF230 000 LDR PC, [R12,#(_ZN27ExpansionRewardOptionWindowC2Ev_ptr - 0x3D34230)]! ; ExpansionRewardOptionWindow::ExpansionRewardOptionWindow(void)
.plt:01DDF230 ; End of function ExpansionRewardOptionWindow::ExpansionRewardOptionWindow(void)
.plt:01D8B234 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.plt:01D8B234 ; Attributes: thunk
.plt:01D8B234 ; void __fastcall ExpansionPlacementVO::~ExpansionPlacementVO(ExpansionPlacementVO *__hidden this)
.plt:01D8B234 j__ZN20ExpansionPlacementVOD2Ev ; CODE XREF: ExpansionPlacementVO::~ExpansionPlacementVO()+8↓p
.plt:01D8B234 ; std::__shared_ptr_emplace<ExpansionPlacementVO>::~__shared_ptr_emplace()+20↓p
.plt:01D8B234 000 ADRL R12, 0x3D1823C
.plt:01D8B23C 000 LDR PC, [R12,#(_ZN20ExpansionPlacementVOD2Ev_ptr - 0x3D1823C)]! ; ExpansionPlacementVO::~ExpansionPlacementVO()
.plt:01D8B23C ; End of function ExpansionPlacementVO::~ExpansionPlacementVO()
.got:03CE725C _ZN27ExpansionRewardOptionWindow23onDiamondsButtonClickedEP10BaseButton_ptr DCD _ZN27ExpansionRewardOptionWindow23onDiamondsButtonClickedEP10BaseButton
.got:03CE725C ; DATA XREF: ExpansionRewardOptionWindow::onPostCCBILoadSetup(void)+5F0↑o
.got:03CE725C ; ExpansionRewardOptionWindow::onPostCCBILoadSetup(void)+5F4↑r ...
.got:03CE725C ; ExpansionRewardOptionWindow::onDiamondsButtonClicked(BaseButton *)
.got:03CE7260 _ZTVNSt6__ndk110__function6__funcINS_6__bindIM27ExpansionRewardOptionWindowFvP10BaseButtonEJPS3_RKNS_12placeholders4__phILi1EEEEEENS_9allocatorISE_EEFvS5_EEE_ptr DCD _ZTVNSt6__ndk110__function6__funcINS_6__bindIM27ExpansionRewardOptionWindowFvP10BaseButtonEJPS3_RKNS_12placeholders4__phILi1EEEEEENS_9allocatorISE_EEFvS5_EEE
.got:03CE7260 ; DATA XREF: ExpansionRewardOptionWindow::onPostCCBILoadSetup(void)+5FC↑o
.got:03CE7260 ; ExpansionRewardOptionWindow::onPostCCBILoadSetup(void)+600↑r ...
.got:03CE7260 ; `vtable for'std::__function::__func<std::__bind<void (ExpansionRewardOptionWindow::*)(BaseButton *),ExpansionRewardOptionWindow*,std::placeholders::__ph<1> const&>,std::allocator<std::__bind<void (ExpansionRewardOptionWindow::*)(BaseButton *),ExpansionRewardOptionWindow*,std::placeholders::__ph<1> const&>>,void ()(BaseButton *)>
.got:03CE7264 _ZN27ExpansionRewardOptionWindow20onCoinsButtonClickedEP10BaseButton_ptr DCD _ZN27ExpansionRewardOptionWindow20onCoinsButtonClickedEP10BaseButton
.got:03CE7264 ; DATA XREF: ExpansionRewardOptionWindow::onPostCCBILoadSetup(void)+634↑o
.got:03CE7264 ; ExpansionRewardOptionWindow::onPostCCBILoadSetup(void)+638↑r ...
.got:03CE7264 ; ExpansionRewardOptionWindow::onCoinsButtonClicked(BaseButton *)