Tutorial Summary: To be able to login into apple account for signing into games that use apple sign in option on android by:
Two-Factor Authentication Required Solution 1 (App Specific Passwords)
Good to know: How to remove app specific passwords?
Two-Factor Authentication Required Solution 2 (Phone Number)
Creating An Apple ID Account
Logging Into Account On Game
- Already have an exisitng account but getting the error: Two-Factor Authentication Required (Solution 1) [App Specific Passwords].
- How to remove App-Specific Passwords (No Pictures).
- Already have an exisitng account but getting the error: Two-Factor Authentication Required (Solution 2) [Phone Number].
- Create an account (no iphone required).
- How to sign into a game using the account
Two-Factor Authentication Required Solution 1 (App Specific Passwords)
- Sign in to Apple Sign In .
- In the Sign-In and Security section, select App-Specific Passwords.
- Select Generate an app-specific password or select the Add button, then follow the steps on your screen.
- Enter or paste the app-specific password into the password field of the app.
Good to know: How to remove app specific passwords?
- Sign in to Apple Sign In .
- In the Sign-In and Security section, select App-Specific Passwords.
- Select the negative sign next to the app-specific password you want to remove.
- Then press confirm to remove.
Two-Factor Authentication Required Solution 2 (Phone Number)
- You may need to add a phone number to your account to enable 2fa.
- To sign it go to Apple Sign In.
- Once signed in press Account Security
- Press the blue + to add your phone number.
- Now you can try sign into your game again.
Creating An Apple ID Account
- To sign up go to Apple Sign Up
- Fill out the form with your information.
- Verify your phone number and email.
- Everything should be good to go now time to login to your game.
- In this example i am using guardian goddess game to login to android, you can try it yourself here : Guardian Goddess.
- Press sign in with apple.
- Enter your login details (use your app specific password if you made one).
- Verify your account when asked to by entering the code you are sent.
- If asked to trust browser, press trust.
- Afterwards press continue if the pop up "Sign In With Apple" shows.
- Then it should ask if you want to hide or show your email press either then press continue.
- You should now be successfully logged into your apple account.
- If it didn't work still try solution 1 or 2, if the issue keeps happening creating a new account should work too.