Troste1 Platinian Monday at 6:27 AM #584 Network delays, you can no longer get into the game, please fix it
A AbsOLuteZerO Platinian Yesterday at 8:23 AM #585 Yunana24 said: Updated latest build Click to expand... Loop again @Yunana24
Yunana24 PMT Elite Modder Staff member Modding-Team Yesterday at 8:48 AM #586 Updated latest build. This is really annoying... I think the devs are gay
Q quangktol Platinian Yesterday at 10:10 AM #587 Yunana24 said: Updated latest build. This is really annoying... I think the devs are gay Click to expand... Yeah, they often do things without reason
Yunana24 said: Updated latest build. This is really annoying... I think the devs are gay Click to expand... Yeah, they often do things without reason
D deimudda69 Platinian Today at 4:02 AM #588 omfg loop again. Is this a daily thing now or what? Are the devs high on acid or something?
P protosnake Platinian 47 minutes ago #590 My theory is that the dev is a member here and when they see that mod has been updated they update the app.
My theory is that the dev is a member here and when they see that mod has been updated they update the app.