Not Working Idle Mafia Ver. 4.4.0 MOD APK | Money | Cigars | Money speed | Upgrade cost

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Since today the game crashes after about 10 seconds. logged into the original file with my account and everything is still there. So it will not be a ban but may be due to the mod app itself.
thx for the info.
give me time to check the force close and what i can do to fix this

Edit: many normal players have the same problem with force closes (found on playstore)
and YES i can´t play my mod also, lets hope its a coming update and not a protection
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thx for the info.
give me time to check the force close and what i can do to fix this

Edit: many normal players have the same problem with force closes (found on playstore)
and YES i can´t play my mod also, lets hope its a coming update and not a protection
Hope to an Update *-*
thx for the info.
give me time to check the force close and what i can do to fix this

Edit: many normal players have the same problem with force closes (found on playstore)
and YES i can´t play my mod also, lets hope its a coming update and not a protection
I Tried the normal app on Platstore and it work
Does anyone experience crashes just now?.. worked fine the other night, now I'm getting in, but 3 secs later the app closes without a report... Doesn't say anything .. :(


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