Back after playing for a few hours... even tho game is good... Its buggy... Sometimes the clock glitches out and skips 4 days and triggers a random-ish event/ending, no idea we causes this even , model/art/ui sometimes lingers where it isnt supposed to be and when I tried cumin in her mouth game softlocked into endless dialogue, my advice? Save often, less likely to lose progress that way due to a stupid bug... despite all that def an awesome game, im still kinda pissed at her tho, and sad... if I understood that dialogue correctly and it wasnt a mistranslation, like girl I get that I shouldn’t have done it inside when you said no and I kinda regret it but wtafThis is great and all… but wish it had the option to toggle between Japanese and English… (Reason: learning japsnese)… I understand why you wouldnt do that tho…![]()

Also maybe this should be obvious and if you wanna go in blind, don't want the advice of how best to get her to want do you asap, stop reading now, firstly, just be patient this tries to simulate rl of how u should treat a girl and I kinda love that instead of her being horny for you unrealisticlly, the game gives you bad consequences for your bad actions and good for good actions, when you first starting out ignore all the horny options, especially using her panties to mastrubate she does know when you do that, meanwhile watching her shower isnt as bad but still risky because she can catch you at times so its better to skip all together, never had any issues with watchin her pee so if thats your sorta thing eat up ig, anyway yea good to avoid these because it will be worth in the end (your choice tho) if she tells you to stop touching her actually stop immediately or she ends up hating you which makes it harder or impossible to ease up to you, taking off her shirt and caressing her nipples is best to start with, then after she is at 5 love points you can open her legs and start rubbing between her legs, depending on the trust level you can take off more, I recommend getting her to atleast trust 100 then you can just take off her shorts and underwear and rub her directly, inside or outside and even put it in but should probably be atleast be a dozen higher than 100 before you do that, oh yea ps its a good idea to mastrubate with your hand once or twice before putting it in otherwise she gets mad before u even cum as her hate level rises faster when your inside her than when you masturbate, make her orgasm as many times as possible so she ends up loving sex, also I completely recommend getting the aphrodisiac asap it makes it MUCH easier better than any of the sexual objects, but if ur really desperate and dont have the money get the sleep inducing tea instead, its second best just be sure to use them on her when the ui says she is senstive much more effective that that way, don't even bother getting any of he sexual things like the toys, they arent worth it in the beginning as it doesn’t even hardly let you use them she will always tell you stop even you do about the only one she doesn’t is the bullet one but that gives bassiclly the same amount if not less of stimulation as your fingers and dick its just not worth the money, oh good idea to get the lewd game asap too its helps with rising that interest level quite quickly without doing actual act, tho usually the best option is to do alot of small talks as those raise her trust level quite quickly, another tip if you ever make her mad immediately humor her, gets back up her happiness real quick... Yup thats it, have fun ;)