I didn't expected you guys would have so much problems to follow simple instructions.
I changed the MOD now to have damage OFF by default since most people wanna play without damage. Just don't touch anything if you are not able to edit a simple txt file correctly. Leave the mod as it is, its now like the old MOD v2. Those who want damage and can edit the txt as we said can still turn damage on.
Here what to do:
1. Delete the old Injustice 2.txt, if you don't have one then it's ok. But if you have a txt and you don't delete it damage will be still on. On start of the new mod a new txt will be created with damage OFF.
2. Install the new MOD APK over the old
3. Start the game and enjoy
I say it only ONE TIME. If you don't delete the old txt, you will still stuck into the same problem you had before. At least be able to delete a simple txt if you wanna play!