Tutorial [iOS] How to Hack Simple Unity Games

Rename the .ipa to .zip, and extract the documents. You should now have a folder called Payload. From here, extract the binary file from inside /Payload/<game or app name>.app, and the global-metadata.dat from inside /Payload/<game or app name>.app/Data/Managed/Metadata. You will also need to copy the Unity Version from unity default resources inside /Payload/<game or app name>/Data.

how to get the binary ? im doing it on call of duty mobile..there is an extentionless file cod is that it ?
Starting il2cppdumper on 2022-07-22 14:20:26.938615

Initializing metadata...
System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at Il2CppDumper.Metadata.ProcessingMetadataUsage () [0x00055] in <db8182c1b351438a8097566295703173>:0
at Il2CppDumper.Metadata..ctor (System.IO.Stream stream) [0x004d4] in <db8182c1b351438a8097566295703173>:0
at Il2CppDumper.Program.Init (System.String il2cppPath, System.String metadataPath, Il2CppDumper.Metadata& metadata, Il2CppDumper.Il2Cpp& il2Cpp) [0x00018] in <db8182c1b351438a8097566295703173>:0
at Il2CppDumper.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00140] in <db8182c1b351438a8097566295703173>:0

Total time for il2cppdumper: 0:00:12.015611


Il2cppdumper did not produce any files. Probably something is wrong with the executable or metadata?
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