E Ezthegreatsst Platinian Jun 10, 2023 #3,968 !!!UPDATE GAME TO SUPPORT ROOTLESS!!! UPDATE!!!!! Attachments E8477E16-3A3A-4E38-85AB-BE6BC653E9B6.png 122.9 KB · Views: 68
E Ezthegreatsst Platinian Jun 10, 2023 #3,969 Ezthegreatsst said: !!!UPDATE GAME TO SUPPORT ROOTLESS!!! UPDATE!!!!! Click to expand... @TheArmKing
A Ashigetora Rookie Jun 11, 2023 #3,971 Anyway to get different version of the deb file? I heard it's because I have a rootless iOS 15 JB but not sure. Getting an error when installing with fileza: Package architecture (iphoneos-arm) does not match system (iphoneos-arm64)
Anyway to get different version of the deb file? I heard it's because I have a rootless iOS 15 JB but not sure. Getting an error when installing with fileza: Package architecture (iphoneos-arm) does not match system (iphoneos-arm64)