Not Working Kingdom Guard JP Ver. 1.0.299 MOD Menu APK | One Hit Kill | Minimum Enemies

288 isnt working, says error loading resources, also noticed the 288 file size is 230 mb smaller than 287 so I'm guessing not all files got put into 288 and why getting the error
288 isnt working, says error loading resources, also noticed the 288 file size is 230 mb smaller than 287 so I'm guessing not all files got put into 288 and why getting the error
Working here fine, however something isn't right. Google Play version on my main phone is This version is

Mods on TD mode not working
在It doesn't take effect in the new tower defense mode. If mod can't take effect at the same time, it is suggested to modify it in the new tower defense mode. Maybe the old tower defense mode will be deleted in the next game version. Thank you.
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kingdom guard mod kingdom guard platinmods

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