FREE MOD League of Stickman Free- Shadow legends(Dreamsky)[Mod Menu]| High Copper,Diamond Reward |No Skill CD|+1{8BTD}

Mate Its An Unsigned apk Which Means It'll Be Rejected By Your Package Installer,Unless You Patch it With Luckpatcher/any Which Requires Root So You Can Either Root Your Android or Can Use VMOS(I Have'nt Tested)
My device is patched but, can't i just install mod over the original cuz i can't find the obb file to download separately
My device is patched but, can't i just install mod over the original cuz i can't find the obb file to download separately
Obb is in your obb folder inside Android
So yeah istall orginal game from play rename me.dreamsky.leagueofstickman to something else(just add some number at the end) tgen uninstall orginal install modded rename the foder back and enjoy....
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8btd dreamsky free league of stickman mod menu shadow legends

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