Open Request Lezhin Comics Plus Android Mod Request (Unlimited Coins)



Game Name: Lezhin Comics Plus

Google Play Store Link: Play Store version is not the same as it doesn't allow the mature comics

APK Link: LEZHIN COMICS PLUS - Lezhin Comics

Cheat Requested: Unlimited Coins (or Bonus Coins as those can also be used to buy comics)

Have you tried any cheat engines?:
No - I have tried using cheat engines but I can't seem to get it to work with any app to be honest. I think I'm just not very good with them but hoping someone can find a way to mod this as the prices are ridiculous (especially when buying in USD instead of KRW) with no subscription model to make it cheaper. I feel that if it can be done it would be easier to mod bonus coins as they are awarded to you (either for free or you get them on top a regular coin purchase as part of a promotion) unlike regular coins which you have to purchase.

I would really appreciate if someone can mod this as while I do enjoy reading these comics (one of my guilty pleasures I guess) it's just getting too expensive to continue using. It's a very popular website/app especially in South Korea so I'm sure other people will appreciate this as well ? thanks
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And if only a handful of people would be interested I would be fine with this being a VIP app to get it approved. To be frank I've never been a fan of battle royale games so most of the apps the VIP section has to other don't interest me but if this was one of them then I would sign up to be a VIP in a heartbeat. Also should point out that this isn't an 18+ App as the mature comics are rated R which is 17 or below.
Sería realmente bueno poder conseguir un hack de esta app, puede ser que todas las historias estén desbloqueadas, algún modo de conseguir monedas o simplemente monedas ilimitadas. Se que se supone un gran esfuerzo del cual pocos de nosotros tal vez imagine, por eso recurrimos a ustedes los expertos en modificaciones, esperando recibir esta modificación.
Gracias de antemano si ven esta petición 👉👈

Ay, espero un día la hagan<3
Hasta pronto!

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