LIAPP protection have recently increased and reaching the impossible modding level, basically they throw alert when you only sign your MOD APK, but you can't touch of the classes.dex, assets files are also protected, lib files are protected also against tampering, only 32 bit lib is possible to be modded
I tried to change few stuff from AndroidManifest.xml, such as changing the activity launch, application name, or just deleting few lines that are actually tampered permissions, but nothing did any good result, still the alert remains
It's probably possible to be modded with Zygisk Menu Module, but i would like to play these mods as well on my smartphone, many mods already i can make myself, but LIAPP being very hard for me now, i did bypass it a long while ago, but they found out how we tried to modify their stuff
My ask is, anyone tried to remove their alert or making the sign process not detected by it?
If anyone wants to give insight about that i would be open to discuss to it
I tried to change few stuff from AndroidManifest.xml, such as changing the activity launch, application name, or just deleting few lines that are actually tampered permissions, but nothing did any good result, still the alert remains
It's probably possible to be modded with Zygisk Menu Module, but i would like to play these mods as well on my smartphone, many mods already i can make myself, but LIAPP being very hard for me now, i did bypass it a long while ago, but they found out how we tried to modify their stuff
My ask is, anyone tried to remove their alert or making the sign process not detected by it?
If anyone wants to give insight about that i would be open to discuss to it