Open Request Lucky Defense


Solid & Active Platinian

Game Name: Lucky Defense

Google Play Store Link:

APK Link:

Cheat Requested:
  • Anything possible
Have you tried any cheat engines?:
Upvote 20
Seems very difficult, therefore I am not going to continue bothering trying to mod the game. My apologies for that. When I open the game and get past the "getting user data" prompt, the game immediately crashes. It could very much possibly be their anticheat.
namespace offsets { constexpr auto addExp = 0x2FB426C; constexpr auto addStamina = 0x2FB4304; constexpr auto addGold = 0x2FB439C; constexpr auto addDiamond = 0x2Fb4434; constexpr auto addNormalKey = 0x2FB44CC; constexpr auto addSpecialKey = 0x2FB4564; constexpr auto addItem = 0x2FB45FC; constexpr auto setUnitLevel = 0x2FB46A8; constexpr auto setRelicLevel = 0x2FB474C; constexpr auto changeBestWave = 0x2FB47F0; constexpr auto addTimeOffset = 0x2FB4920; constexpr auto resetTimeOffset = 0x2FB49C0; constexpr auto getAttackDamage = 0x3059930; constexpr auto getAttackSpeed = 0x3059C5C; constexpr auto getSkillDamage = 0x3059CC4; constexpr auto getStun = 0x3059D2C; constexpr auto getSlow = 0x3059D94; constexpr auto getRemainTime = 0x305BDEC; constexpr auto spawnMonster = 0x305D740; constexpr auto ingameMessage = 0x3045C0C; constexpr auto changeFastMode = 0x30446F0; }
How to use this sir

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