Open Request Mario Kart tour



Game Name: Mario Kart tour

Google Play Store Link: Mario Kart Tour - Apps on Google Play

APK Link:
Mario Kart for Android - APK Download

Cheat Requested: If it's possible can we have infinite Gold and rubies.(currency)

Have you tried any cheat engines?:
Yes, I've tried SbHacker, cheat engine but it crashes my game or it resets.


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Everything that is done within a race is client handled data, the Server only realizes weird changes after the race, just like marvel strike force and a lot of other "stage screen" games
all these people talking about able to hack 99.999 points and so on... I just want to get 9k points constant, not even too much, to get first place in challenge and get the 20rubies. coins and exp have a max everyday but its fine. Right now I see no mod at all tho...
Is a Mod possible - YES
Is it worth the work - NO

Cause after having fun the first day, you will recognize the next day, after attempting to Login, that you all are BANNED!

Therefore the Request should be declined.
I hope they release a mod soon, at least the coin or score mod :( is imposible to win the tiers if you don't have the High End characters, Karts, etc.

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