Game Name: MedarotS - Robot Battle RPG -
Google Play Store Link:
MedarotS - Robot Battle RPG - - Apps on Google Play
Build your own Medarot by reassembling the parts and play online!
APK Link:

MedarotS - Robot Battle RPG - APK for Android Download
MedarotS - Robot Battle RPG - 4.0.4 APK download for Android. Build your own Medarot by reassembling the parts and play online!

Cheat Requested:
- God Mode
- Damage Multiplier
- Currency Hack (Red gems, Yellow Medals)
- Default Win
- Resource Energy (Green Lightning Mana-Like Energy)
- Anything Accessable
No -> I haven't had any information that they exist, I know of cheat engine but that's it.
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