Open Request 命运歌姬


Platinian On Fire

Game Name: 命运歌姬

Google Play Store Link: N/A ( com.xnhd.mygj )

APK Link:

Cheat Requested:
  • Auto-Play
Have you tried any cheat engines?:
Yes -> I've tried GameGuardian
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Modder if you willing to mod this game, hit me up in DM I'll send you an identity info so you could log in.

Will manually update so you wouldn't need to download and install the Chinese TapTap app[if token isin't requested while downloading, then would be better to catch the direct link but I don't know how])
Modder if you willing to mod this game, hit me up in DM I'll send you an identity info so you could log in.

Will manually update so you wouldn't need to download and install the Chinese TapTap app[if token isin't requested while downloading, then would be better to catch the direct link but I don't know how])
I approved the downloadlink within comments for this particular case myself.

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