Open Request MIR4


Solid & Active Platinian

Game Name: MIR4

Google Play Store Link: MIR4 - Apps on Google Play

APK Link: MIR4 for Android - APK Download

Cheat Requested: High Damage and Def, One Hit, God Mode, Faster Attack, Faster Mine/Gather Plant, No CD Skill

Have you tried any cheat engines?:
No -> Not Rooted
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their security for this game is the best ive seen on all the server sided games I have played. They throw regular ban waves and since you can literally sell draco here and earn real money, I think they update their security every day and do "maintenance". I would suggest playing this game fairly if you have invested money on this already. Otherwise, it would be useful to try a speed/dmg hack, or anything that might help the percentage of rare item drops. The amount of grinding patience you need to have for a rare is :pepe021: (rare is like an epic rarity already i actually wanna cry)
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