Help! Modding a game that uses webview


Original poster
Jun 1, 2021

I was wondering if it is possible to mod a game that only uses a web view.

The game in general has a short loading/splash screen and then renders an Android Webview component containing the game.

From my point of view, it is not hackable - maybe with traffic interception or message replaying via a proxy.

Is there an easy way to mod something like that? Or how would you do a mod for this ?
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Original poster
Jun 1, 2021
Which game? If you don't mind me asking.
The game I looked at was Bustybiz from Nutaku. I think the game itself is kinda hard to mod because even if you could manipulate the javascript you could not modify the amount of premium currency. The game itself was kinda over my level


Original poster
Jun 1, 2021
hmm no because you're client
Would that not apply to any app? Cause most of the time, you have only a client app that you modify to send different data to the server. I don't think you will host a server on your phone.
Or did I get your answer wrong?

link builders

Jun 30, 2024
Methods to Mod a Web View-Based Game:
  1. Traffic Interception and Message Replaying: You are correct that traffic interception is one way to modify the behavior of a web view-based game. Tools like Charles Proxy, Fiddler, or Burp Suite can be used to capture and modify the network traffic between the game and the server. By analyzing the requests and responses, you can alter game data, such as in-game currency, scores, or other parameters sent between the client and server.
  2. Webview Content Manipulation: Since the game content is rendered through a WebView, it is essentially HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can manipulate the WebView content by injecting custom JavaScript. This can be done through various means:
    • Modifying the APK: Decompile the APK using tools like APKTool or JADX, locate the WebView component, and inject your custom JavaScript code. Recompile the APK and install it on your device.
    • Using a Browser Extension: If the game also has a web version, you can use browser extensions like Tampermonkey to inject custom scripts that modify the game behavior.
  3. Hooking Methods: You can use tools like Frida or Xposed Framework to hook into the WebView methods and alter their behavior. This requires some knowledge of Android development and the internal workings of the WebView component.
Example: Using Lulubox to Mod a Web View-Based Game
Lulubox is an app that allows users to apply mods and patches to various games, often enabling cheats or enhancements. Here’s how you might use Lulubox to mod a game with a WebView component:

  1. Download and Install Lulubox: Install the Lulubox app on your Android device.
  2. Add the Game to Lulubox: Open Lulubox and add the game you want to mod to the list of games within the app.
  3. Apply Plugins: Lulubox provides various plugins and patches for supported games. If a plugin exists for your game, enable it. These plugins might include scripts or modifications that can alter the game behavior.
  4. Custom Script Injection: If Lulubox supports script injection, you can create a custom script that modifies the WebView content. This script can be injected through Lulubox to alter the game parameters dynamically.
While modding a WebView-based game is more complex than traditional game modding, it is still feasible with the right tools and techniques. Traffic interception, content manipulation, and method hooking are some of the effective ways to achieve this. Lulubox can facilitate some of these modifications if it supports the specific game you are targeting.

Feel free to ask if you have more questions or need further assistance!
Jul 4, 2024
LuluBox Pro APK is an Android app designed to enhance gaming experiences by unlocking premium skins, themes, and features without in-game purchases. It offers game plugin management, improved performance, and a user-friendly interface, supporting multiple popular games without requiring root access. However, users should be cautious, as using third-party apps like LuluBox Pro may violate game terms of service and risk account suspension.