Help! Modding not working (how can I check if it works)


I am modding this game (first using a tester) and the hooking and patching of the offsets don't even seem to change the game slightly. Should I be looking more or is there a way I can find out the tester is actually working.
2022-09-20 21:59:49.153 26568-26644/? E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: UnityMain
    Process: com.dxx.firenow, PID: 26568
    java.lang.Error: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
    Version '2020.3.26f1 (7298b473bc1a)', Build type 'Release', Scripting Backend 'il2cpp', CPU 'armeabi-v7a'
    Build fingerprint: 'Must use __system_property_read_callback() to read'
    Revision: '0'
    ABI: 'arm'
    Timestamp: 2022-09-20 21:59:48+0300
    pid: 26568, tid: 26568, name: com.dxx.firenow  >>> com.dxx.firenow <<<
    uid: 10422
    signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr --------
        r0  00000000  r1  000067c8  r2  00000006  r3  886ed950
        r4  886ed960  r5  886ed948  r6  000067c8  r7  0000016b
        r8  00000000  r9  ffffffff  r10 886ed950  r11 88301cb8
        ip  000067c8  sp  886ed930  lr  eb7c9e3b  pc  eb7c9e4e
          #00 pc 00062e4e  /apex/ (prop_area::map_prop_area_rw(char const*, char const*, bool*)+262) (BuildId: 1da6d3053059f135ebadc7211af87c2f)
        at libc.prop_area::map_prop_area_rw(char const*, char const*, bool*)(map_prop_area_rw:262)
You need to bypass tencent ac
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