Private Server Moonrise Mu | Free VIP - Diamond drop and craft

New pets are coming!

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Kill the powerfull Storm Snowman at Magic Garden map to obtain precious Piece of Emerald Stone to craft your T21 set and weapons!
Storm Snowman respawns every day at 12.00 hs and 19.00 hs (Server time)

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hahahaha, I told you this mu is pure robbery he likes to create new servers every so often to rob new players, danger server scam, be careful this server makes all your progress worthless

here is evidence of another player who was stolen by the admin

View attachment 454305
Please stfu kid, this makes you freaking lame by stalking the admin of the server, and try to insult him for weeks..
Do you want to know a funny fact kiddo?! - It does cost money to keep a server running, if no donations, no server online. - simple is that.
Btw as I see there has been created new context.
I might give this one a try.
The last MU server I played on, I reached 947mil BP :D
Please stfu kid, this makes you freaking lame by stalking the admin of the server, and try to insult him for weeks..
Do you want to know a funny fact kiddo?! - It does cost money to keep a server running, if no donations, no server online. - simple is that.
Btw as I see there has been created new context.
I might give this one a try.
The last MU server I played on, I reached 947mil BP :D

Thank you for your message!
We prefer to ignore players like "fullgame", obviously there will always be people dissatisfied with the game, the unfortunate thing is that instead of looking for a game that is more attractive to him, he has become obsessed with our community. It is probably a player who has been banned and wants revenge.

We invite you to try the game, check the Facebook and website to see all the giftcodes and benefits :)

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