Help! Need Help First try for Hooking code


Original poster
Jun 5, 2018
Hi all., I needed help in my first try in modding. After I did a function search I got some interesting things from as follows:

.text:0254A604 ; _DWORD StateVO::getXpPoints(StateVO *__hidden this)
.text:0254A604 EXPORT StateVO::getXpPoints(void)const
.text:0254A604 StateVO::getXpPoints(void)const
.text:0254A604 ; DATA XREF: LOAD:000AA1E0↑o
.text:0254A604 ADD R0, R0, #0x30 ; '0'
.text:0254A608 BX LR
.text:0254A608 ; End of function StateVO::getXpPoints(void)

.text:0254A60C ; char *__fastcall StateVO::getXpPoints(StateVO *this)
.text:0254A60C EXPORT StateVO::getXpPoints(void)
.text:0254A60C StateVO::getXpPoints(void) ; CODE XREF: StateVO::getXpPoints(void)+8↑j
.text:0254A60C ; DATA XREF: LOAD:0019CC30↑o ...
.text:0254A60C ADD R0, R0, #0x30 ; '0'
.text:0254A610 BX LR
.text:0254A610 ; End of function StateVO::getxppoints(void)

.got:03DF9C08 _ZN7StateVO22getXpPointsEv_ptr DCD StateVO::getxppoints(void)
.got:03DF9C08 ; DATA XREF: StateVO::getXpPoints(void)+8↑r

LOAD:0019CC30 DCD aZn7statevo22ge_0 - byte_34A470; st_name ; "_ZN7StateVO22getXpPointsEv"
LOAD:0019CC30 DCD StateVO::getxppoints(void); st_value
LOAD:0019CC30 DCD 8 ; st_size
LOAD:0019CC30 DCB 0x12 ; st_info
LOAD:0019CC30 DCB 0 ; st_other
LOAD:0019CC30 DCW 0xD ; st_shndx

.text:0254A620 ; _DWORD StateVO::getXpPointsForLevelUp(StateVO *__hidden this)
.text:0254A620 EXPORT StateVO::getXpPointsForLevelUp(void)const
.text:0254A620 StateVO::getXpPointsForLevelUp(void)const
.text:0254A620 ; DATA XREF: LOAD:000028A0↑o
.text:0254A620 ADD R0, R0, #0x38 ; '8'
.text:0254A624 BX LR
.text:0254A624 ; End of function StateVO::getXpPointsForLevelUp(void)

.text:0254A628 ; _DWORD StateVO::getXpPointsForLevelUp(StateVO *__hidden this)
.text:0254A628 EXPORT StateVO::getXpPointsForLevelUp(void)
.text:0254A628 StateVO::getXpPointsForLevelUp(void) ; CODE XREF: StateVO::getXpPointsForLevelUp(void)+8↑j
.text:0254A628 ; DATA XREF: LOAD:001A7D90↑o ...
.text:0254A628 ADD R0, R0, #0x38 ; '8'
.text:0254A62C BX LR
.text:0254A62C ; End of function StateVO::getXpPointsForLevelUp(void)

.got:03DF9C0C _ZN7StateVO24getXpPointsForLevelUpEv_ptr DCD StateVO::getXpPointsForLevelUp(void)
.got:03DF9C0C ; DATA XREF: StateVO::getXpPointsForLevelUp(void)+8↑r

LOAD:000028A0 DCD aZnk7statevo24g_0 - byte_34A470; st_name ; "_ZNK7StateVO24getXpPointsForLevelUpE"...
LOAD:000028A0 DCD StateVO::getXpPointsForLevelUp(void); st_value
LOAD:000028A0 DCD 8 ; st_size
LOAD:000028A0 DCB 0x12 ; st_info
LOAD:000028A0 DCB 0 ; st_other
LOAD:000028A0 DCW 0xD ; st_shndx

My question is, how i can do the hook code or how i do implement it into the hook template from this forum?
Many thanks before and after, i'm so sorry if i'm wrong put post at thread