Hello all.
After looking through a game dump of Il2Cpp I found some menu options I would like to try activate in a game. I'm unsure what tutorial to search for in this case, reading through other tutorials I don't see much relatable. There are options here that are visible in the game, but also a few that are not through the menu options. I have removed most public bool lines to keep the code shorter.
I am new to code so please be gentle :)
So what I see is this:
// Namespace:
public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour // TypeDefIndex: 4588
// Fields
[HeaderAttribute] // RVA: 0x659A00 Offset: 0x659A00 VA: 0x659A00
public bool glitchModeUnlocked; // 0x1D
public bool bigHeadModeUnlocked; // 0x1C
[HeaderAttribute] // RVA: 0x659A38 Offset: 0x659A38 VA: 0x659A38
public bool bigHeadModeEnabled; // 0x25
So if looking at glitchmodeunlocked, does the 0x1D refer to the hex value of 28?
Does that then make the offset go from Offset: 0x659A00 to 659A28?
I'm a little lost on these offsets, but wanting to learn.
Thank you for any help you can offer me :)