Open Request One-Punch Man:Road to Hero 2.0



Game Name: One-Punch Man:Road to Hero 2.0

Google Play Store Link:

APK Link:

Cheat Requested:
  • Atk 1-100
  • Def 1-100
  • Weak enemys
  • God mode
Have you tried any cheat engines?:
Yes -> I've tried GameGuardian
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Upvote 5
Hello people !! I'm trying to modify it, however, it is protected, I can't extract it as DLLs other than, and even if I try with GameGuardian, it doesn't work, it also has protection. There is a possibility to try with IDA, however, I am not very interested, as it is a hypothesis.
Would like a mod for this please. I'd even take a reason as to why it cant be mod. Its OPM I would think if you put this under VIP it would make alot of people subscribe. Come to think of it, if you mod alot more anime games I'd vip for it for sure as my favorite games are anime title ones.
Hello peoples. I am UnmoddedModded, and I bring an update. Yes, I managed to get the DLLs, however, I have other problems. I can see all the addresses, codes anyway ... Maybe but the front can come out with a mod.
[QUOTE = "himori5652, postagem: 1493357, membro: 1153058"]
Desculpe, povos! Mas este jogo é 90% do lado do servidor! Este dano é apenas visual! : \
Q tueu

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