Requirements: 5.0+
Overview: Based on android 13 icon pack.
Package Info:
● Supported Languages: af, am, ar, ar-EG, ar-SA, as, az, be, bg, bn, bn-BD, bn-IN, bs, ca, cs, cs-CZ, da, da-DK, de, de-DE, el, el-GR, en-AU, en-CA, en-GB, en-IN, en-XC, es, es-419, es-ES, es-US, et, eu, fa, fi, fi-FI, fr, fr-CA, fr-FR, gl, gu, hi, hi-IN, hr, hr-HR, hu, hu-HU, hy, in, in-ID, is, it, it-IT, iw, iw-IL, ja, ja-JP, ka, ka-GE, kk, km, kn, ko, ko-KR, ky, lo, lt, lv, mk, ml, mn, mr, ms, my, nb, ne, nl, nl-NL, or, pa, pl, pl-PL, pt, pt-BR, pt-PT, ro, ro-RO, ru, ru-RU, si, sk, sl, sq, sr, sr-Latn, sr-SP, sv, sv-SE, sw, ta, ta-IN, te, th, tl, tr, tr-TR, uk, uk-UA, ur, uz, vi, vi-VN, zh-CN, zh-HK, zh-TW, zu;
● Supported CPU architecture: None;
● Supported Screen DPI: Ldpi, Mdpi, Tvdpi, Hdpi, Xhdpi, Xxhdpi, Xxxhdpi.
*Special Features*
● No Lucky Patcher / Jasi Patcher / NFG-Multi-Crack & Google Play Modded Needed.
● All Unnecessary Menu Item Remove Like:
- Help, Privacy Policy, Donate, About, App Version, Dashboard Version.
● Play Services, Transport, Firebase Properties Removed.
● All Unnecessary Garbage Folder & File Removed.
● Duplicate Dpi Item Remove Like:
- Bar Length, Drawable Size, Gap Between Bars.
● Splits0 File Removed (Resources & AndroidManifest).
● Splits0 Releated Unnecessary Meta-Data Remove Like:
- Stamp Source, Stamp Type Standalone Apk, Android Vending Splits, Android Vending Derived Apk.
● Removed Debug Information (Source, Line, Param, Prologue, Local).
● Total Apk Size 73.7 Mb.
What's new:
- Reached 7859 icons.
- Please restart your device after the update finishes.
- Contact me on my email if you notice any bugs.
Play Store Link: Pix You 13 Prussian Icons - Apps on Google Play
Free Download:
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