Open Request Plants vs Zombies TV



Game Name:
Plants vs Zombies TV version (Android)

Google Playstore Link: N/A

APK Link:
(PvZ TV English version by Lionel)

Mod Requested:
• APK 1: Status logged/connected, Free Purchase DangbeiGameCenter (Cherry Wind Thunder, Get 500 Sun, Get 1000 Sun, Back in Time, Card Gatling pea, Card Jalapeno).
• APK 2: Mod menu (same as pvz free).

Have you tried any cheat engines?:
Yes -> GameGuardian, pvz tv version the value is almost the same as pvz free



(PIC: PVZ TV Android with GameKeyboard+)
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It was cool that you were able to port this game to android but I have some opinions that could be seen as hate or way too hard to accomplish but I think it would improve the experience.
First I believe there should be sync with Xbox live/PlayStation center/google play because those were the platforms this version was originally released on and it would mean save progress. 2 remove sun being collected automatically or add a toggle in settings. Sun should be collected by moving your cursor over it like the original. 3 be able to re read mail. 4 coop and vs don't work. My solution is online multiplayer. 5 make the controls built in or add touch controls. Or if that is too hard at least include with the download the virtual controller APK and the profile that makes it look how it does in the screen shots. 6 make the ending of level 1 understandable. 7 add the house view from the Xbox version. 8 make dropped things at the end of levels not picked up automatically. There is a very low chance my comment will be noticed but I this would make it better without ruining the console feel. 9 add controller support
When you get to 1-8 you get to pick your seeds for the first time so when you scroll down to the bottom you can access crazy Dave's shop and the almanac without unlocking them. In his shop it defaults to the page that on mobile unlocks when you find his bacon and the shoulder buttons don't do anything probably because there aren't any other pages but I can't be too sure

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