I'm confused, 2 days or 2 years?
By the way, you can do gacha simulator on each
collabs, scroll down click what anime you want, after that, in that page, scroll down until you see this button and click it (for example Attack on Titan)
View attachment 655669
scroll down and you will find the simulator. (Make sure you auto-translate the page

View attachment 655675
Yes and no, well it's gacha. I think it depends on what character of collabs they held.
For example, Gintama collabs in April back then, character that really powerful obviously Gintoki. Drop rates so rare I had to pull like ~20 (If I remember correctly), and it is not even enough to get Gintoki to drop, I had to exchange other not-so-powerful character to medals so I can exchange those medals to redeem Gintoki.
Of course it's not only Gintoki that powerful, there are in my opinion, 3 great character besides Gintoki. Even if you didn't get him, the other character pretty much can slay most of the contents (but not high floor tower or hell tower).
After Gintama collabs, comes Attack on Titan, which character they brings have more variants, not like Gintama collabs.
It took me about 4 or 5 pull to get Eren the Founder version, plus another 2 pull to get Levi, the main banner really strong character.
The other character even it's not that strong, but the skill/or chain skill coverage, most of them is


, or give the team buff.
The leader skill is also good across the board, like fire monster +100% skill attack, or fire monster +100% skill attack.
Oh I almost forgot, before Gintama collabs, I think it was the Fist of the North Star collabs on February.
It was suuuuuuuck a$$ gacha suuuck a$$ character, It only provides 6
characters to the gacha pool. And the only strong character was Raoh (most of the content), Rei and Toki (for high difficulty content, even voyage maybe).
And the recently concluded collaboration,
7 Deadly Sins only have two strong character to bring to high end content, Meliodas & Elizabeth (the skill is basically the same as Gintoki that what makes it strong), the 2nd was Escanor. Yeah maybe King in the 3rd.
I assumed the drop rate on 7 Deadly Sins is the same as Gintama collabs. I only pull 1 time and got King, and I'm done. I didn't invest much, because I'm not fan of that anime.
I hope you get what I'm trying to say. It depends on character they bring to the game. It depends if the character skill/chain skill/leader skill is consider as good for almost of the content in the game.