Not Working Puzzle Heist Ver. 1.5.5 MOD APK | MENU | God | DMG

The model tested on Android device
In the Episode Campaign 15 works but at the end of the game's reset battle
Against Gangster works but end of the game's reset battle
In raids against other opponents works but at the end of the game's reset battle
this mod unfortunately is not good
thanks as always for your work
I can create a new mod with slider up to x20 and 1hit + god.
But i can´t help with the error later on the game. idk why emulator works and android have problems
this is not a battle calculation error.
for all. I add a 2nd mod with the x20 Slider and One Hit Kill.
sry i forget a unsigned mod, if this game update again i create a single mod like the 2nd mod.
thank's for your job,
If possible for Android smartphone
You can have a mod like the previous ones
With this it is impossible to play
With the one before you could activate and deactivate quickly
And that way the reset problem was bypassed
Thank you
[QUOTE = "DESLOKAT, bài đăng: 2167294, thành viên: 4989"]
cho tất cả. Tôi thêm một bản mod thứ 2 với x20 Slider và One Hit Kill.
sry, tôi quên một bản mod chưa được ký, nếu bản cập nhật trò chơi này một lần nữa, tôi sẽ tạo một bản mod giống như bản mod thứ 2.

remove the slider and x0 you should use the x1 x5 x10 x15 x20 button instead. i don't know when to use def slider. so in my opinion you should also remove them. can you make 1 key to disable the whole hack. for example the volume up button
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crimes & puzzle hack crimes & puzzle mod racing

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