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Not Working Ragnarok Origin ROM

Ah, sorry, Whitesmith is Merchant's class advancement, Merchant>Blacksmith>Whitesmith
For Bard/Dancer, Archer>Bard/Dancer>Clown/Gypsy, Bard/Clown is male, Dancer/Gypsy is female, only difference between those 2 gender a few skills, which is not really that important, to me at least
ETA on server 4?
According to one of the admin,
" Sometime Next week, LOR will be launching. The past few months of memorable memories, events, and our recent experiences have been critical in us and we couldn’t have done it without your participation, feedback, and enthusiasm. We wanted to put together a primer so you, your friends, and communities can fully prepare for launch and ensure you’re not missing out on any of the exclusive content available. We’ve also included some of your request, suggestions, and recommended languages so you’re ready to hop in the same world as your friends when the gates to LOR open soon. "
Which I think opening of the new server, and new episode