2pcs Gm weapon, speed is insane, and if you want to finish a task in gm command (finishtask idnumber) Ex: finishtask 123456
here other gm commands i saw in other sites
Iditem amount
Ex : 1011 99
refine id refinelvl
0 - All
1 - Lower Head
2 - Right Hand
4 - Robe/Garment
8 - Left Accessory
16 - Body/Armor
But u can try 1 by 1 from 0 to 20
Ex : refine 0 99
For speed
finishtask idtask
Ex : finishtask 100010
I dont know how to use this cmd
addmonster id amount
Ex : addmonster 1103 1
baselevel lv
Ex : baselevel 100
goto idcity
Ex : goto 7
7 = prontera
U can find idcity on world map.
clearbag 0
Clear all item from bag