Private Server RAGNAROK ORIGIN Ver. 2.7.4 Private Server | RAGNAROK ORIGIN PRIVATE SERVER GM | Chinese | Full GM tool | Unlimited Everything & more

stuck can't enter academy
Someone messed up with the server and gm commands and disabled the warp portal and kafra teleport.
Even GM goto command is unusable.
Most likely done by someone who just wanted to make fun with other players by not letting them play the game.

Can somebody fix this? We just want to enjoy it normally.
Someone messed up with the server and gm commands and disabled the warp portal and kafra teleport.
Even GM goto command is unusable.
Most likely done by someone who just wanted to make fun with other players by not letting them play the game.

Can somebody fix this? We just want to enjoy it normally.
I believe this is now fixed and character creation issue, warp.portal issue, and mobs spawn in newbie have been restored to normal settings.
Thank you for the fix/reversion to whoever you are.

Server still up. Just scroll to comments for instruction or youtube search the login process.
2pcs Gm weapon, speed is insane, and if you want to finish a task in gm command (finishtask idnumber) Ex: finishtask 123456

here other gm commands i saw in other sites

Iditem amount
Ex : 1011 99

refine id refinelvl
0 - All
1 - Lower Head
2 - Right Hand
4 - Robe/Garment
8 - Left Accessory
16 - Body/Armor

But u can try 1 by 1 from 0 to 20
Ex : refine 0 99

For speed

finishtask idtask
Ex : finishtask 100010

I dont know how to use this cmd

addmonster id amount
Ex : addmonster 1103 1

baselevel lv
Ex : baselevel 100

goto idcity
Ex : goto 7
7 = prontera
U can find idcity on world map.

clearbag 0
Clear all item from bag


Do you know or do you have monster codes for MVP, trying to summon them.
2pcs Gm weapon, speed is insane, and if you want to finish a task in gm command (finishtask idnumber) Ex: finishtask 123456

here other gm commands i saw in other sites

Iditem amount
Ex : 1011 99

refine id refinelvl
0 - All
1 - Lower Head
2 - Right Hand
4 - Robe/Garment
8 - Left Accessory
16 - Body/Armor

But u can try 1 by 1 from 0 to 20
Ex : refine 0 99

For speed

finishtask idtask
Ex : finishtask 100010

I dont know how to use this cmd

addmonster id amount
Ex : addmonster 1103 1

baselevel lv
Ex : baselevel 100

goto idcity
Ex : goto 7
7 = prontera
U can find idcity on world map.

clearbag 0
Clear all item from bag

can you teach us how to patch in english?

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