Open Request Rise of Castles: Ice and Fire



Game Name: Rise of Castles: Ice and Fire

Google Play Store Link:

APK Link:

Cheat Requested:
  • Instant Build
  • 999999 Gems
  • 999999 Gold
  • 999999 Resources (Food, Lumber, Ale, Marbles, Iron, Charcoal)
  • 999999 Hero Exp
Have you tried any cheat engines?:
Yes -> I've tried GameGuardian but the number changed back to original
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Upvote 2
I would allready be happy with Auto troop building.
With unlimited resources you will be banned pretty fast, if the devs have a Look at it..
Maybe make it more legit, like:
Quick build,
Farming Multiplikator (gain more faster Ressource from Farming.)
I played the game now almost 2 month.
What would be nice to See and what is realistic:
- Auto open chests
- Auto train troops
- Auto speed up farms 1 time. (Stones, ail, wood etc)
- Auto develope skills

So basicly we need a bot, who makes our lives easier, i would also pay 15€ for it. Maybe more or monthly, depends on the mod/bot.

Happy mooding Team :)


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