This game still uses the data.jet, same password as the old bloons td.
There is a ton that can be modded... however, I forgot how to do all the crap it takes to extract the game, save it to pc, extract data.jet, mod the two csv files (lots of stuff in there like making the costs of things zero, making the xp needed to level up be 1 for each level, ammo cost to zero (or negative to gain premium and regular currency) and making each type, assualt, medic, etc, start out with tons of health, etc etc etc etc... ) and then put it back in the data.jet, then put it back in the apk, sign it, and then install it (no root necessary).
it has been since oh, 2017, since i was in the modding scene as a modder and back when it was more difficult to dump il2cpp (probably much easier these days) and mod games. When ida and dnspy were the big things being used at the time (no clue what people use now -- ghidra?)
so I don't have any of the old tools I used to.. however, this is highly possible to mod.|0 |
ammo.smg.qty|200000000 |
ammo.smg.cost|0 |
ammo.smg.premiumCost|0 |