playlist are force shuffled even if you disable the shuffle
repeat track is unavailable and trying to rewind the song breaks the player
skipping beyond a certain number of tracks breaks the player and any of the song previously played is no longer clickable
repeat all can be "enabled" but doesn't actually work
queuing isn't possible
appreciate the mod but this is quite literally just the version by XManager with a different package name and it's definitely not stable. i hope we can get a completely working one soon.
This post is approved by myself. The user @l9liwat said he used it himself for quite some time without any issues. He showed screenshots and I take his word on this.
In case it doesn't work for a lot of people, the post will get removed again.
Running into several issues. Some songs will not select after a while if you're listening to a certain playlist in order. Clicking songs will trigger random songs after playing so long. Cannot keep the same playlist on repeat for some reason.