Rejected Request Tales of Crestoria (Global)


Original poster
Jun 23, 2020

Game Name: Tales of Crestoria

Google Play Store Link: TALES OF CRESTORIA - Apps on Google Play

APK Link: TALES OF CRESTORIA for Android - APK Download

Cheat Requested: This game has a strong root detection mechanism. It doesn't work with root. Please remove this mechanism so that people with root can play the game.

Have you tried any cheat engines?:
No -> Because cheat engines can't bypass root detection mechanisms. But I decompiled the apk and tried the usual method to delete root checking mechanisms (search strings for superuser, /system/xbin, /data/local etc,), but it didn't work.

Additional information regarding the root check mechanism of this game. When I use Magisk Hide and obfuscate Magisk, all Root Checker apps I tried showed a no root status and the game started for 3 seconds. After that it closes and opens a KlabGames website that shows your device is rooted. It seems while the game is running, every couple seconds the game performs a root check in the background.
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Original poster
Jun 23, 2020
Additional information regarding the root check mechanism of this game. When I use Magisk Hide and obfuscate Magisk, all Root Checker apps I tried showed a no root status and the game started for 3 seconds. After that it closes and opens a KlabGames website that shows your device is rooted. It seems while the game is running, every couple seconds the game performs a root check in the background.