Only use:
Gold not decrease
No skill cooldown
Unli mana
Unli Fairy
Max prestige (every 5-6 mins just to be safe)
Using this won't get you a teapot since you won't be going past your maximum potential, only speeding up your prestige time and 'progress' in increasing your potential.
Teapots in the main game is permanent. Just play it safe since you'll likely win tournaments using this mod - unless there's another player with a mod lmaoo.
Winning Abyssal Tournaments:
I've won 5 ATs using this mod. You can basically use any of the features, and ONLY PUSH 2K stages - Prestige - Repeat. Pushing 2k stages is possible from 1k-45k since you'll be getting new artifact per prestige. After you've unlocked all the artifacts, 500-1k push is your safest bet.
You still have to invest time since you'll find a lot of whales (players that spends diamonds to win), and modded players in here. You can easily beat whales but it will be challenging and time consuming if you're up against someone with the same mod.
Teapots in ATs are usually temporary from what I've experienced, meaning that you can join the following AT if you get teapotted.