Open Request Tapas Comics (Unlimited Coins)


Game Name: Tapas (Tapastic Comics)

Game Version: 5.2.5

Google Play Store Link:
Tapas – Comics and Novels - Apps on Google Play

APK Link:
Tapas – Comics, Novels, and Stories APK Download - Free Comics APP for Android |

Cheat Requested: Unlimited/No need for Ink/Use ink to get more ink.

Have you tried any cheat engines?:
Cheat Engines used: GameGuardian but it does not seem to work
Lucky Patcher does not work. And ofc Freedom doesn't either.

Will you appreciate the hard work that someone has to put in to fulfill this request?: Absolutely.


  • vGEEI3UvkkBJD9O6Cb507krYjQh6ZN__waaunnkp7l2btiP5eGLsYa4v90aabgzfFTOu=s200.png
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Can someone tell me more about this game? What's the name of the currency used? Is there a timer to regenerate the currency? How does the pricing work? With that, I might be able to see what I can do in terms of modding it :).
Can someone tell me more about this game? What's the name of the currency used? Is there a timer to regenerate the currency? How does the pricing work? With that, I might be able to see what I can do in terms of modding it :).
So, it's a webcomic reading app. The currency is called ink, and you can use it to unlock chapters in the comics. There isn't a timer to generate ink. In order to get ink, you either have to buy or you can earn it for free by watching ads or filling out surveys. From what I've seen, each chapter is work 375 ink. I hope this answered your questions.

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