bind to fb, and use original version log in with fb and bind to google, after that use mod version again and login with fb, this way just if u want to bind with google coz fb sometime have an error with api
Just don't be ridiculous with the multiplier. I play this mod till lvl 72 now. But well.. Before that i got banned 4 times lol.
The key is, if its vs player, max i always do is 2x atk and def. If you can can somehow kill them with your dmg,just do 2x def. This game GM is strangely pretty active, they always sensitive with high damage but low lvl.
In summary, careful when your opponents is player, like in tournament and such, and one left is world tree, its pretty hard for anyone to begin with so it always got GM attention when theres anomaly like cheater. Aside from that its free, but dont abuse the cheat, use it as u need to win.
bind to fb, and use original version log in with fb and bind to google, after that use mod version again and login with fb, this way just if u want to bind with google coz fb sometime have an error with api